While these home remedies might not be a permanent solution, regular application on your face and body will ensure reduced hair growth.
Raw Papaya Paste with Turmeric
Smash a small amount of raw papaya into a juicy pulp and add one to two tablespoons of turmeric powder to it. Mix this into a paste and apply all over your face and body. Let it stay for 15 – 20 minutes and wash off. Apply this once or twice a week regularly for 2-3 months.
How does this work?
Papaya contains the enzyme papain which helps reduce hair growth. Turmeric contains the antioxidants to fight bacteria and thus works best for sensitive skin.
Cornstarch and Egg
Nah! We aren’t going to bake a cake with these two ingredients. If you are too bored with the ‘apply – massage – wash’ routine, then try this peel off mask. Take one raw egg and separate the egg white from the yolk. Add a teaspoon of cornstarch and sugar to the egg white and apply the thick paste on your hands or legs. Increase the quantity of the ingredients based on the area you’re applying it on. You’ll feel the egg mask tightening on your skin after about 20-30 mins. Peel off the mask then and pat dry.
How does this work?
Egg contains skin nourishing properties and while cornstarch and sugar help remove hair and dead skin cells.
Sugar, Honey, And Lemon
Mix a tablespoon each of sugar, lemon, and honey and heat it mildly until this turns to a wax-like paste. Add some water if needed and apply it on a small part on your body. Cover the area with a waxing strip, pat and strip off in the direction opposite to that of your hair growth. Sprinkle some cornstarch or talcum powder on the area before you begin the process. Once you are done, apply some moisturizer to refrain from dry skin.
How does this work?
Honey acts as a natural moisturizer while sugar helps remove dead skin cells by exfoliating the skin. Lemon is an effective skin bleach and all three ingredients together work magically in getting rid of unwanted hair.
Baking Soda and Turmeric
Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of turmeric powder. Add some water and mix the ingredients to form a paste. Gently massage after applying and leave it on for 15 – 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
How does this work?
Turmeric is an antioxidant and baking soda acts as a gentle scrubber. Together, the two ingredients work to reduce hair growth.
Oatmeal and Banana Scrub
Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with one smashed banana to make it into a paste. Now apply this mixture on the required regions and gently massage in the opposite direction to that of your hair growth. Let it rest for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and pat dry.
How does this work?
Oatmeal acts as a gentle body scrubber and banana helps softens your skin. When you massage this mixture, not only does it remove all unwanted hair but also reduces further growth. Follow this if you have dry skin.
Garlic Juice
Garlic is another staple that can be easily found in your kitchen or is easily accessible. Just pick few garlic cloves, smash and extract the juice out of it. Dip a cotton ball in this juice and apply it on the areas of your skin which has unwanted hair. Leave it for 15 – 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Follow it up by applying your favorite moisturizer to get rid of the pungent smell of garlic.
How does this work?
Garlic is a great source of Sulphur, selenium and zinc which aid in the hair removal process.
Cornflour With Milk
This is another easy and effective natural hair removal peel off mask. Mix half a cup of corn flour with one small cup of milk to make it into a paste. Apply the paste all over the area that you wish to remove the hair from. Leave it for 20 minutes or until it is completely dry. Now peel it off and pat dry.
How does this work?
When corn flour with milk paste is applied on your skin, it quickly sticks to the hair follicles and holds it tight. All the soft hair is pulled away when you peel off the mask. Do keep in mind that this mix might not work well for those with hard hair.