Akshay Kumar and Pooja Chopra are the faces of “Happy Heart India” – an initiative of Asian Heart Institute that gives a chance to 200 underprivileged children to receive free heart surgery.
Akshay Kumar launched the campaign on 7th April, the World Health Day and actor Pooja Chopra came on board soon after, to encourage India to follow healthy heart habits.
The campaign urges readers to ‘Save a Heart’ by nominating an underprivileged child they may know, who is below 12 years of age and needs a cardiac surgery but has no means to pay for the surgery.
The campaign #HappyHeartIndia is built around multiple content pillars through interviews that will amplify the importance of inculcating healthy heart habit.
Speaking about the initiative, Akshay Kumar shared, “I am delighted to take this message of ‘have a heart to save a heart’ all over India.This campaign is about surgical interventions for the underprivileged- in the spirit of community service.”
Pooja Chopra, actor, former Miss India and Miss World beauty with a purpose added, “Its high time we defined the behaviours and habits we need to adopt if we are to become happy citizens of a hearty India.The age of onset of heart disease is getting younger, and this is a cause for grave concern.”
Speaking about the campaign, Dr. Ramakanta Panda, the Chairman of the Asian Heart Institute said, “It gives me immense pleasure to launch the campaign and receive unconditional support from one of Bollywood’s biggest stars, I am happy that Pooja Chopra, an actor with a good giving heart and a deep commitment to fitness, has also come on board.”