Hilarious can’t even begin to describe Sonakshi Sinha’s latest Instagram post. On Thursday, the Kalank actress shared a stunning picture of herself on her Instagram profile and she accompanied it with a cheeky caption. In the photograph, the 31-year-old actress could be seen dressed in a white top, which she paired with a pair of blue denims. She can be seen sitting pretty and we simply love her expression in the picture. Another highlight of Sonakshi’s post is the caption. The actress summed up her expression in the best possible way. “When you see your food coming to you at a restaurant,” wrote Sonakshi. The actress shared the post with her 13.9 million followers on Instagram, of which over 3 lakh fans have liked the picture.
Take a look at Sonakshi Sinha’s post here:
Sonakshi Sinha’s latest film Kalank opened in theaters on Thursday and it is the highest opening film of 2019 as of now. The film garnered over Rs 21 crore on the day of its release. Sonakshi, who plays the role of Satya in the period drama, had been actively sharing pictures from the film’s promotions. Check out some of the posts here:
On the work front, seems like 2019 is going to be a busy year for Sonakshi as she has several releases lined-up this year. Apart from the untitled project, the actress will in Mission Mangal alongside Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan and Taapsee Pannu. That’s not it, the actress has also reprised her role as Rajjo in the third installment of the Dabangg series, co-starring Salman Khan.