Bollywood divas Alia Bhatt, Shraddha Kapoor, Katrina Kaif, Karisma Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor and many other were seen wearing their best outfits for Umang 2019, which was held at Bandra Kurla Complex [BKC], Bandra, Mumbai. The event was held to acknowledge the risks taken by the Mumbai Police. Every attendee was dressed in their best outfit. While there were a few, who did not really manage to crack their fans with their look, there were a few from whom, taking off your eyes became difficult.
Take a look at the pictures:
Dressed in a dusty-pink saree with white blouse, messy hair and dewy lips, Karisma Kapoor looked every bit elegant in this outfit.
Janhvi Kapoor opted for a heavily embroidered gold and silver Anarkali. With minimal makeup and heavy earrings, Janhvi looked pretty.
Shraddha Kapoor looked no less than an angelic princess in this pink lehenga. The actor looked breathtakingly beautiful and this look can easily be claimed as one of Shraddha’s best looks.
Alia Bhatt chose to wear a pastel green floor-length Anarkali. The Raazi actor let her bouncy hair loose with minimal jewellery. Although she looked sweet, her make-up wasn’t blended properly and looked cakey.
In an indo-western red saree and a beautiful neck-piece, Katrina Kaif looked radiant in this outfit.
Apart from them, present at the occasion were several superstars from Bollywood such as Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Ranbir Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal amongst others.