google chrome

Google Chrome finally gains the ability to export saved passwords

Google Chrome already has an inbuilt password manager which users can sync between other devices. However, Google is now working on enabling users to export passwords for use in third-party managers. This essentially means that Chrome users will be able to export their saved passwords in a text file in a simpler way. While it was possible to do this earlier as well, but with the new feature that Google is planning, the process will get much easier. The feature is currently available on the Chrome Dev channel on desktop.

Chrome, on desktop and smartphone, lets users save passwords to make it easy to autofill details during the next login. In fact, once the pop-up is accepted, the browser itselft becomes a password manager. However, some users may wish to use another password manager app, or a shift to a different browser. Exporting passwords is useful for users while moving on to other browsers, another platform, or even a password manager. As we mentioned, the feature is available on the Chrome Dev channel on desktop, and users need to go to Settings > Manage passwords, where they will see a new overflow menu near Saved Passwords. Tapping on it gives users the option to export passwords as a CSV file, one that can be used by other password managers.

First reported by Chrome evangelist Francois Beaufort on Google+, the feature currently has no timeline as it is still being tested by developers. The option is expected to hit the stable channel soon, but in the meantime, can be enabled by using a flag setting. Users need to paste chrome://flags/#password-export into their navigation bar, and it will enable the export passwords option in the Saved Passwords overflow menu.

Recently, Google rolled out the Chrome 65 for desktops and Android. The Chrome version 66 is expected to hit beta soon and then the stable version will arrive. Exporting should be available across the line on Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android.